Thursday, January 29, 2009


Okay, so several weeks ago I thought I had 3 days of vacation left and was going to use 2 personal days to take a full week off. Well, I double checked with my payroll and through Human Resources and figured out I still had 5 days left so I finally settled on this week to take off.

Well, we have had a winter storm here and I have been stuck inside since Tuesday evening. (I did go out and shovel my driveway yesterday). I HAVE TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE. There are times when I wish I could just stay home and do nothing but that time has ended.

I also just checked my emails from work and the HR coordinator emailed and said that not only do I not have 5 days of vacation but I only have 2 days. Which means if she is right then I will not get paid for tomorrow. Not a good thing. I have to wait until Monday to double check everything. I still think I have at least 3 days.

So, this vacation is not turning out to be one of my favorites but it will all workout.

God bless,


gretchen said...

sounds confusing...I hope you get out of your house (mabye we should send the MN snow crews out there) and that you have enough days to cover your vacation.

Have a good weekend.

Karen said...

Thanks Gretchen. I did get out of my house and I have a great employer who allowed me to "borrow" a vacation day from my upcoming time to cover the day. Now I just have to remember that I only have 14 days and not 15.

God Bless,

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