Friday, January 14, 2011

Biggest Loser at the Gym

Okay, we weighed in on Wednesday night for the next round of the Biggest Loser. I will admit that my weight was 408 pounds. I am pretty scared about starting this time because the first time I did it I had already lost about 30 pounds and didn't have a recovering achilles tendon and a partial thickness tear in my rotator cuff.

This one will be hard. Besides the above the classes are not happening until 7 or later during the week. Which means I will have to go home and then leave my house again each night to go workout and I HATE going out in the cold. Once I am in I usually stay in. The other thing is that Wednesday nights are the support team meetings but they don't start until 6:30pm each night and I have to teach Cubbies at 6:45pm. That is the one aspect that I could really use.

The Lord is in control so I pray that he will encourage me to get moving on this and protect me from further injury. Any prayers you could send up would be greatly appreciated.

I will keep you posted. The good thing is that we will be starting a similar program here at work the week of February 7th (hopefully) which will take me past the end of the Biggest Loser.

God Bless,

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