Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I love my trainers

I just have to thank God for the two special trainers He has placed in my life. I wish I could afford to have them train me on a one on one basis all the time but... I am not going to elaborate on why they are so special but just know that Craig and Josh are two of the people who make working out and doing this journey so special. I pray that if you are on a similar journey that He will bring someone into your life like these two men.

God Bless,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A needed day off...

I had a great time last night. I had the blessing of ushering at the "Main Event" down at OSU. James Laurinaitis, Malcolm Jenkins and some other OSU players along with Coach Tressel spoke about their faith and belief in Christ. How they are Christians first, and are just blessed with the platform of being an OSU Football player to spread the gospel. It was really fun!!!

I thought I would be helping input cards from the attendees and so I took today off to get them done by 2am this morning. Well, I didn't have to but I still have the day off. I have done NOTHING!!!!! It is almost 1:30pm and I am still in my nightgown. I took a long bath to finish reading a book I was working on and am watching a show about babies.

Now, don't think I am going to be a total bum today. I am getting ready to go to the gym and play in the pool then the hottub then the sauna. Oh, I am also getting a new workout card today by Craig, doing the Barbell class with Craig and having Josh work with me on endurance on the treadmill.

So, just wanted to share my lazy day.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for days like this. Though my house has a lot of things that need done there are days that we just need to have this time to relax too. In Jesus Name, Amen

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Fire and Rain is my favorite song
I say a prayer at 11:11
I could watch old movies all night long
I'm not sure about hell but I know there's a heaven
Sometimes at feel so alone it scares me
I talk in my sleep but there's no one to hear me
I don't want to be unknown
The little things that make me who I am
I need to share
I need to know that someone cares
That I drink coffee black
That I sing when I drive
That I sleep with the TV on
More then anything
I don't want to be unknown
I love September when leaves turn gold
I get nervous in crowed places
Someday I want to see San Francisco
I'm bad with names, but remember faces
I need more then a kiss, more then a lover
I'm a world that's waiting to be discovered
UnknownI don't want to be unknown
The little things that make me who I am
I need to shareI need to know that someone cares
That I write down my dreams
That I love when it rains
I burn candles when I'm alone
More then anything
I don't want to be unknown
More then anything
No one wants to be unknown

The above words are from a song on an album by a country singer named Chely Wright. I hadn't listened to this CD for awhile and decided to pull it out a few weeks ago. This song really hit home. Though the likes are not mine and I definately believe in Heaven and Hell the message in the song is what works on my heart.

I have been blessed with a great group of friends that are so special to me but I don't want to be "unknown". God has a plan for my life and if He wants me to have that human companionship then I know that he will bring him to me. And I know that He is the one who will know me better than anyone will ever but...

Anyway, thought I would share a little piece of my heart.

God Bless,

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Missions, Bootcamp and Biggest Loser

Well, today was a very cold day outside in the land of the midwest. And, guess what we had today at the gym? An outdoor "Fitness on a Mission" fundraising event. It started at 9am with a pump and run contest which my friends Sherry and Lisa participated in. They did great!!! Sherry came in third and Lisa came in fourth. I was so proud of them. Then it was the "Biggest Outdoor Bootcamp". Not just for the Biggest Loser contestants but for everyone so it was real. I think I did pretty well. I am pretty tired right now though.

Then we had the team competition for the Biggest Loser. So, we started by high-stepping over some mini-cones with a pole across them, shuffling over these things, hopping over very little hurdles (I still had trouble), carrying 4 tires around three boxing thingies and putting them on a pole and then, the finale. We had to do an inflatable obstacle course. Okay, I have to be honest, it scared the daylights out of me!!!! We had to go through a hole, climb over a wall that was about 3-4 feet tall (don't know how tall but...), run through a smaller hole, climb under or over or through another wall and then pull ourselves up this very little latter thing to a giant slide and come down. Wow, I didn't think I could do it but guess what? I made the entire thing in 2 minutes and 46 seconds. Now, I know that is a lot of time since the people who did a good job finished in around 50 seconds but I DID IT!!!! I even have an outside witness. My friend Penny and her 4 kids came and watched the competition!!! Thank you so much Penny. Here is a picture of something similar to the one we did. I couldn't find an exact one but you get the idea.

So, that was a fun time had by all and a lot of money raised for some great organizations.

Dear God, thank you for the sunshine you gave us today along with the safety. Thank you for allowing me to do something that I didn't believe I would ever be able to do. Thanks as well for Penny and her family. It was such a cold day but you still allowed her to come out and watch. You know how special that was to me. Amen

God Bless,


Thursday, October 23, 2008

The inches are leaving

Just a quick update. I was measured yesterday and lost a total of 18 inches overall from September 1st to October 22 (which incidentally was my one year anniversary for being activally working out at the gym).

I am pretty excited.

Dear God, Thank you so much for helping me lose these inches. I know that I get discouraged when the pounds don't go away but you are reminding me that it isn't all about pounds but the inches are a great thing. Amen

God Bless,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another Answered Prayer

Well, I am pretty sure that Thomas and I have a lot in common when it comes to doubting. As you know if you have been reading my blog since July I have struggled to lose more weight. Well, last Wednesday I made it back to my original lowest weight of 290.2. So, Thursday I weighed in again to see if it was just water weight that I had lost. I still weighed 290.2. What a blessing that was!!!!!

Okay, so after not working out since Thursday and having Mexican and donuts over the weekend I was a little afraid to get on the scale last night. So, after the Core class I stepped on the scale and about fell over. READY??? I was at 288.6!!! That is right, I am FINALLY in the 280's. I know it wasn't water either since I had not really sweated yet. I grabbed Criag and made him look at the scale too so that I had a witness!!! Now, just to stay in that direction.

Now, why you may ask, do I compare myself to Thomas? Well, I had begun to doubt I would ever lose any more weight.

Thank you God for answering yet another prayer. Especially from someone who wants to be in "control" and fights you so hard on things!!! What a blessing it is to know that you love me and want the best for me no matter how stubborn I become.

God Bless,

P.S. I ended this round of the Biggest Loser at 286.6. Another 2 pounds from Monday!!! I am getting measured tonight (10/22/08). I will let you know what happens there.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

God's stretching weekend.

Well, it sure has been an interesting weekend. Yesterday was hard because it was homecoming at the college I went to. I would have graduated in 1989 so I would of known a lot of people who would have been there. I went to the game and the school won!!! We are 6-0 now. First time in forever, well since I have been following them 23 years ago. But, I didn't see anyone I knew. There was one guy I recognized but I couldn't tell you his name.

When I came home I watched the rest of the Ohio State Game (which we won) and then mom wanted me to take her to Target. I am so tired from working out every night that I can, going to church, working two jobs and everything that is going on. I am also frustrated because I don't have any money. My finances are so out of control right now that I am not sure what my next step is. I got so frustrated last night that I was very angry. I was angry that I can't eat what I want to eat, angry that I can't buy what I want to buy, that I can't help my mom the way I need and want to. So, knowing that it is okay to get frustrated and really talk to God, he and I chatted quite a bit in between my crying and throwing my little temper tantrum. I know that He only wants the best for me and that all of my money problems are because of choices I am making and that He is trying to teach me a lesson. I just have to learn the lesson.

Then today he asked me to really step outside of my box/comfort zone. I had to make an announcement in front of the entire church about a ladies tea. Then I had to give my testimony tonight in the ladies class. Now, if most of you know me you know that I love to talk - and especially about myself but not in front of people. I freak out. But, He was with me the entire time. I made it through both things and am able to tell about it. I even only cried slightly during my testimony. If you also know me you know that was a miracle in itself!!!

God, thank you for all the lessons you are teaching me. Thank you for your love and guidance. Please help the words you gave and give me through this blog and my testimony to make a difference in someone's life. Help someone come to know you or come closer to you through something you might say through me. Amen (Now I am ready to listen-I guess you had to be in the ladies class tonight)

God Bless,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Weird Encounter

Okay. I got up this morning and had to stop at the grocery store since my schedule is so crazy in the evenings. As I was checking out at the self-checkout counter I forgot two cans of cat food in my cart. The attendant who watches the station needed a register but I had to finish so I could get to work. I rang up my order and then apologized to this elderly gentleman for holding up the line. He looked at me kind of weird but said it wasn't a problem. (or something like that).

I headed out to my car and was loading the groceries in the trunk when this same gentleman came out to his car (which happened to be two spots away from mine) and he started to talk to me about the weather. Then about feeding stray cats that he has, then about people who abandon cats, etc. In this period I finally opened my door and started to get in the car. He realized that I was getting ready to leave and as he headed to his car he looked at me and said, "You have such a pretty face." I WAS SHOCKED!!! That was the last thing I ever expected. It really humbled me to have God use an older gentleman who I happened to take a minute to talk to to encourage me. What a blessing.

So, that was my weird encounter for the day.

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

John 5 Question

If you notice at the top of my journey I have added the question, "Do you want to be well?" This comes from the passage out of John 5 that I have placed below. 3 years ago, when I was 38, our pastor spoke on this passage and it really hit me hard. One of the things that was pointed out in this passage is that in that time, if you were an invalid you probably made a pretty good living by begging and if you were healed then that income would go away. The man made several excuses as to why he couldn't make it into the healing pool to get well.

I feel that God is asking me this same question. "Do you want to get well?" This weight struggle has not only been physical but emotional as well. I have done well up until July but as most of you know, have struggled with the same habits I had before I started this journey. I need to stop and examine this question. God has really laid it on my heart again, even stronger than the first time. The obvious answer is yes but am I being truly honest? I don't know. I do know that I am spending more time in His word and I know that is a step in the right direction.

God Bless,

John 5
The Healing at the Pool 1Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for a feast of the Jews. 2Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda[
a] and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. 3Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed.[b] 5One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. 6When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?"

7"Sir," the invalid replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me."

8Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." 9At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. The day on which this took place was a Sabbath, 10and so the Jews said to the man who had been healed, "It is the Sabbath; the law forbids you to carry your mat."

11But he replied, "The man who made me well said to me, 'Pick up your mat and walk.' "
12So they asked him, "Who is this fellow who told you to pick it up and walk?"
13The man who was healed had no idea who it was, for Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there.

14Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, "See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." 15The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Well, 1 year down...

Today is my 1 year anniversary for this journey. If you have been following you know what a roller coaster ride it has been.

I want to first of all thank you once again for all your encouragement, love, empathy and most of all, your prayers!!! I would never have made it this far without God using each and every one of you!!! I wish I could give each and every one of you a hug to thank you.

These last three months have been pretty discouraging for me in that I hit my 100 pound weight loss in July and haven't lost anything since then. I have maintained within a 5-10 pound variance of the 100 pounds lost. Now, I do realize that I am losing inches. In some ways I wonder if I lost so much, so quickly and now my body is toning right now. Yes, I am still making REALLY bad eating choices. I know that I have to stop that and I will definately try.

I just wanted to let you know that I have hit the 1 year mark.

Thanks again,
God Bless,

America - Where do we go from here?

 Today, January 6, 2021, is the day that the truth of the election fraud came to light by having the states not certify the electoral colleg...