Friday, July 31, 2009

Conversation with God

Have you ever wanted to be able to sit down face to face with God and ask Him all kinds of questions? I know that we can do that through prayer and I am not discounting that at all!!! With my Salvation and Christ's death on the cross that line of communication was open to me and I am so thankful for that. I just wish that I could hear His answers to some questions verbally from His mouth. I pray I am not saying anything wrong. That would be one of my questions. Why do I have so much trouble communicating with people? Here are some of my other questions:

1. I know you made me the way that you did but I wonder how my being overly sensative can be used to glorify you? All is seems to do is alienate my co-workers and I end up in tears.
2. Why do I dwell on things for days instead of letting them go? Even if the problem has been resolved with another person I hold on to the anger or frustration, etc for days on end.
3. Why do I fight you when you have given me all the tools I would ever need to lose weight and become healthy? Am I wanting to lose weight for the wrong reasons?
4. Why do I dwell on the negative of things especially when it comes to me or my immediate family instead of trusting that You are in control and I don't need to "handle" it by myself?

There are many more questions but those are a few that stick out in my mind.

God Bless,

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