Monday, November 26, 2007

Just Checking in

Good morning. I have two more meetings with the program I am working with. Tomorrow night and then two weeks from tomorrow. I am not afraid to stop going to the program. Right now they are mostly working on preparation for the lapband or bypass surgery. I was thinking about the lapband but so far I am doing well without surgery. I am going to just keep going.

Tomorrow is the official weigh in for the meeting. I will be utilizing the scale at the fitness club as my official weigh-in once the program ends. I finally will get to move to my next card after tonight. There are 12 boxes on the card and once you have all of the boxes filled then you get weighed and measured again and a new card issued. I asked them to give me more exercises for my hips and other area's near there if you know what I mean. : ^ )

Okay, here is the question of the day. Do you think that God is bringing someone to my heart and mind that I had a major crush on when I was 11 years old to help me to let go of some of the past that I am working through or that He just wants me to pray for this person? (Okay, that was a really long sentence. My english teacher would not be happy with me.) Maybe there is something going on with him and he needs prayers? See, these are things I ponder. And you wonder why I am so goofy? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. (Not the goofy part, the question part)

Have a great week. (Only 30 days until Christmas)

In Christ,


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