Friday, May 16, 2008

Just touching base

It's funny how God can do something to stop a person from messing up. I was going for my daily walk/soda/end up with food run on Wednesday and as I passed my General Manager's office the HR Director came out and said that the admin and he were talking about me. I asked what about and he said about how good I am doing on losing this weight and everything. Then I went on down to one of the little shops in the food court area and one of the sales clerks who I have known for several years mentioned that he really noticed the changes in me and how well I was doing. As he was saying this I was looking at the candy. So I threw up my hands and looked up and said, "fine, I get your point, I will not eat candy today" God brought two very nice people to remind me of the hard work He and I have accomplished so that I didn't mess it up.

It's ashame I didn't listen yesterday. Let's just say sometimes I use the excuse of being a female to give me a reason to severly overeat!!! Yesterday I ended my day by eating a greek salad that could have fed three people, a fruit cup that 2 people could have eaten and a Michaelna's speghetti for dinner, left my second job, went and worked out and then promptly left there and stopped at KFC!!!! Got a chicken breast meal with green beans and cole slaw and demolished the chicken and biscuit (I never eat their biscuits), ate 1/2 the green beans and 3/4 of the cole slaw. This was all at 9:30pm last night!!!

The question is why?

God Bless,

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