Sunday, October 26, 2008


Fire and Rain is my favorite song
I say a prayer at 11:11
I could watch old movies all night long
I'm not sure about hell but I know there's a heaven
Sometimes at feel so alone it scares me
I talk in my sleep but there's no one to hear me
I don't want to be unknown
The little things that make me who I am
I need to share
I need to know that someone cares
That I drink coffee black
That I sing when I drive
That I sleep with the TV on
More then anything
I don't want to be unknown
I love September when leaves turn gold
I get nervous in crowed places
Someday I want to see San Francisco
I'm bad with names, but remember faces
I need more then a kiss, more then a lover
I'm a world that's waiting to be discovered
UnknownI don't want to be unknown
The little things that make me who I am
I need to shareI need to know that someone cares
That I write down my dreams
That I love when it rains
I burn candles when I'm alone
More then anything
I don't want to be unknown
More then anything
No one wants to be unknown

The above words are from a song on an album by a country singer named Chely Wright. I hadn't listened to this CD for awhile and decided to pull it out a few weeks ago. This song really hit home. Though the likes are not mine and I definately believe in Heaven and Hell the message in the song is what works on my heart.

I have been blessed with a great group of friends that are so special to me but I don't want to be "unknown". God has a plan for my life and if He wants me to have that human companionship then I know that he will bring him to me. And I know that He is the one who will know me better than anyone will ever but...

Anyway, thought I would share a little piece of my heart.

God Bless,


Meg said...

Karen - being "unknown" is one of my greatest fears. I don't want to leave this world and to have not left a legacy. To know that I wasn't someone's "world" and that I made a difference in their life. To know that I had no one to have experience those "only I know" things about me. When I begin to think about it I become makes me sad (and usually cry), it makes me scared, and most of all it makes my desire even greater. Thanks for sharing, and know that you are not alone in your desire.

Karen said...


You hang in there too!!! I don't believe that God has put those feeling in our hearts to let us be "unknown". Maybe he will but I think we both just have to believe that He will honor our hearts that He created to love. I will be praying for you and I pray you will be for me as well?
God Bless,

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